What is justice? That's a frequently asked question frequently asked by those who are de facto above the law and which they only address to those who suffer from some form of injustice or other. Some people would tend to think that if they were to be answered with a few gunshots in the face, they might perhaps start to understand what justice Is.
Does justice have anything to do with the law? That's what some people think; they're even convinced that justice is the business of the Judiciary. But then, some people are unbelievably dumb.
You think I'm against any form of authority: I frankly wonder if I should not, but, I'm only, so far, against any abuse that's made of any form of authority.
Anything obtained through constraint is not worth anything, but the person who resorts to constraint is even worse and should probably not be allowed to go on living.
Those who govern - I'm not unaware that a lot of fuss is made of government by laws and not of me, but these bloody fools are blissfully obvious of the fact that laws are made by men, and, more than often, by the worst kind of men - are supposed to serve, but they're convinced that their job is to rule, to order; the problem is that those whom they oppress think so too.
It's not because someone is learned and just that he. she is elevated to the status of a judge; far from it. But whenever someone is made judge, he/ she, regardless of a most shameful record, is believed to be even wise and is held to be a paragon of justice. This, for sure, can only be the case amongst inferior people.
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